♦An incision is made from the inner eyelid, and no wound seen externally
1.The surgical time and recovery period are short.
2.There is no need for suture removal, and scarring will not result.
3.There is no risk of eyelid overturning.
4.A depressed upper eyelid can be improved.
A small incision is made from the conjunctiva at the inner side of the eyelid to remove the fat. No scar will be left on the eyelid. Transcon Junctival Lower Blepharoplasty is only suitable for people that undergo Blepharoplasty the first time. Moreover, redundant skin cannot be removed, while the tear trough (nasojugal groove) and fine lines remain obvious. If too much eye bag fat is removed, a depression will be formed. Discomfort in the conjunctiva may be experienced for the first few days after surgery.
1. Cold press within three days after surgery must be applied to reduce swelling from extending. Cold press should be applied several times a day and for 15 minutes each time. |
2.Apply warm press staring the fourth day after surgery. Apply it 2-4 times a day and for 30 minutes each time to help the swelling to subside. |
3.Refrain from tobacco, spirits, tea, coffee, chilies, herbal medicine, and other irritating foods. |
4.The slight swelling and bruising after surgery can be improved after about a week. |
5.There is no need to cover the wound with gauze after surgery. Just apply anti-inflammatory ointment. |
6.Wear sunglasses when outdoors in order to block sunlight, wind, and dust from irritating the wound. |
7.Clean the wound with a sterile cotton swab and saline solution. Apply anti-inflammatory ointment three times a day. Do not allow the wound to be in contact with tap water to avoid infections. |
8.Slight postoperative bruising and swelling around the eyes may be experienced. There is no need to panic. Do not bow the head for an extended period of time. Reduce water and sodium-rich food intake to facilitate blood backflow and improve the swelling. |
9.There is no need to cover the wound with gauze after surgery. Apply anti-inflammatory ointment. |
10.There may be itchiness prior to wound healing. Do not rub the wound using your hands. |
Q:Where is the transcon suture? Is suture removal required?
A:The transcon suture is inside the lower eyelid. No suture removal is needed. Just wait for the swelling and bruising to subside.
♦The transon surgery can improve puffy eyes and dark circles, without leaving a wound externally.
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