


♦Causes of Formation

Wrinkling is the most easily detected occurrence of skin aging. The formation of wrinkles is associated with heredity, smoking, sun exposure, and personal habits. It may be classified into endogenous or exogenous.

Endogenous wrinkles:They are caused by the physiological aging of the skin (e.g. fine lines and nasolabial folds).

Exogenous wrinkles:They are caused by external environmental factors. Besides the natural gaining process, they cause secondary damage (e.g. the primary cause being the sun’s ultraviolet rays).



Three Features of Facial Rejuvenation with injection

1: Precise de-wrinkling and fast results.

2: No recovery period after de-wrinkle injections are administered.

3:De-wrinkle injections require no surgery.



Facial Rejuvenation with injection is a type of injection administered onto the face to fill and repair wrinkles, thereby achieving de-wrinkle results. Nowadays, many types of de-wrinkle injections are available. Commonly used Facial Rejuvenation with injection: include: Restylane and Perlane Injection, Radiesse Filler, Antiesinjection, BotoxWrinkle Removal, Fine Thread Lifting, Sculptrainjection for Facial Rejuvenation, Platelet Rich Plasma Injection for Rejuvenation, etc.…