
Augmentation mammoplasty with Autologous Fat Graft Transfer

Augmentation Mammoplasty with Autologous Fat Graft Transfer

Surgery Features

Augmentation Mammoplasty with Autologous Fat Graft Transfer involves extracting excessive fats and appropriate transferring the removed fats to other areas, such as “ breast enhancement”, “liposuction breast augmentation”, “buttock enhancement”, etc. The postoperative result is natural and realistic. Autologous Mammoplasty with autologous Fat Graft Transfer has been performed for years, but early traditional autologous fat graft is limited by technology and instruments, resulting in low fat survival rates, high absorbance rates, and undesirable result after transfer filling, Therefore, autologous fat graft transfer has not gained popularity in the field of cosmetic surgery. In recent years, with the technological progress and equipment improvement, the survival rate has substantially increased, thus the prevalent use of autologous fat graft transfer in recent years. Since the fat is from one’s own body, tumor formation is not a concern.


Comparison Table of Results of Augmentation Mammoplasty with Autologous Fat Graft Transfer vs Traditional Fat Graft Transfer vs Hyaluronic Acid Filling Transfer

Item for comparison
Augmentation Mammoplasty with Autologous Fat Graft Transfer
Traditional Fat Graft Transfer
Hyaluronic Acid Filling Transfer
Very natural
Very natural
The purified autologous fat is rich in autologous cells for the regulation of angiogenesis in mesenchymal cells
Autologous fat
Composite mimicking human tissues
Effective time and survival rate
Permanent (more than 60%-70% survival rate)
Permanent (more than 40%-50% survival rate)
Absorbed by the body after about one year
Local anesthesia
Local anesthesia
Local anesthesia
Recovery period
5-10 days
5-10 days
5-10 days
Postoperative massage
Not required
Not required
Not required
Advantages and disadvantages
The shape and feel are realistic and natural, an increase of 1-2 cup sizes. The fat survival rate reaches up to 60%-70%. A fat upgrade is recommended to ensure a higher survival rate. There is a risk of calcification and deformation, but the incidence is very low.
The shape and feel are real and natural, but the fat storage survival rate is only about 50% of even lower. There is a risk of calcification and cysts.
Short recovery period, easy to administer and adjust, and costly, requiring repeated administering to maintain a fixed shape.















Augmentation Mammoplasty with Autologous Fat Graft Transfer

Real and natural
Fat has a certain absorbency rate.
Extremely low degree of pain
Fat calcification remains a concern.
Speedy recovery
May require multiple fat filling
Sculpturing bust shape
A large amount of fat filling may lead to breast lumps and cysts.
Removing excess fat in the body
Autologous fast graft transfer is not suitable for every own who wishes to undergo breast augmentation. There ahs to be sufficient fat in the body for extraction.
Small surgical wounds
No allergies, low rejection
No hospitalization is required.

Surgical Approach

Autologous Fat Graft Transfer involves grafting pure fat cell particles, rather than the grease immediately injected after liposuction. The extract purification technique, unlike general minute fat graft surgery, requires handling by a specialized and experienced physician in order to increase the survival rate. The liposuction and breast augmentation surgery can achieve breast augmentation and sculpture the curve at the same time. At the same time, the surgery can be completed through local anesthesia. Using one’s own tissues as the material, they are non-toxic, hammerless, and without foreign body reactions. There is no danger of rejection, there is no incision, and there are no artificial traces. Fat cells that mange to survive are integrated into the breast, creating the best feel and softness no artificial implant can compare. For women with slight breast asymmetry or funnel deformity, artificial breast implants will not produce good results liposuction and breast augmentation surgery achieves.


1.Able to resume normal life immediately after surgery.
2.Wear a corset for a month for the liposuction site.
3.Apply an ice pack within 72 hours after surgery, rest for 15 minutes after each warm/hot press, several times a day until the sense of swelling reduces.
4.There is only a small wound at the injection site of the liposuction and fat graft, almost without any traces after healing.
5.Do not apply pressure on the breasts within one week after breast augmentation surgery. Do not sleep in a fetal or freestyle position, as it might suppress the breasts.
6.Avoid staying in venues with high temperatures within one month (such as in a hot bath or sauna) to avoid infection before the wound is able to heal.


Q:What kinds of people are not suitable to undergo this surgery?

A:1.Those who are too thin without sufficient fat.
2.Those with a family history of breast cancer.
3.Those with cardiovascular diseases, severe diabetes, and clotting disorders and pregnant women.

Q:What kinds of people are suitable to undergo this surgery?

A:1. Those with breast dysplasia and flat chest.
2. Those dissatisfied with their chest size and shape.
3. Those with mild sagging or loose breasts.
4. Those with breast degradation after childbirth.
5. Those whose breast size or location are asymmetrical.
6. Those with breast atrophy by excessive weight loss.