


Surgery Features

Typically, lower body deformation is the result of fat accumulation, concentrated mostly in the waist, abdomen, and lower body. Liposuction is generally the solution for problems of this type.

Many postpartum women experience abdominal obesity. In addition to “being fat”, it is also largely the result of abdominal wall tension change. During pregnancy, excessive abdominal fascia pulling occurs, leading to postpartum fascia relaxation and even rectus separation. As a result, the abdominal wall tension is reduced, causing the original contents in the abdominal cavity to bulge outward, thus causing the belly to bulge and convex. The “beer belly” seen in some men is caused by the accumulation of mesenteric fat within the abdomen, causing the abdominal pressure to increase and the belly to “stick out”. In fact, there is really not much subcutaneous fat, and liposuction is of limited use. Abdominoplasty is needed to remove relaxed and sagging skin, lift the abdomen, and tightly suture the relaxed abdominal wall fascia, making it firm and flat. This is the ultimate solution to the problem and significantly improves the overall curve of the waist and abdomen.


Who Need Abdominoplasty

1.Those who intend to improve postpartum stretch marks.

2.Those who experience abdominal relaxation after weight loss.

3.Those with abdominal skin laxity, severe wrinkles, lack of elasticity, and minimum subcutaneous fat.

4.Those who have minimum abdominal fat but experience bulging.

Surgical Approach

Abdominal tissue relaxation can be improved through surgery in order to adjust the abdominal fascia, the tightness of the rectus abdomens, and abdominal skin relaxation, thereby achieving graceful and firm abdominal curves.

Abdominoplasty can be divided into two types: local abdominal lift surgery (commonly known as minor lift) and general abdominal lift surgery (commonly known as major lift). Either or the two kinds of surgical procedures is used depending on the degree of abdominal relaxation.


Local Abdominal Lift Surgery

It is generally for those with abdominal wall fascia relaxation or rupture due to pregnancy or skin fascia and rectus abdomens relaxation after weight loss. Local abdominal lift surgery is suitable for those with skin relaxation below the naval, a smaller area of stretch mark, and symptoms concentrated in the lower abdomen. From above the bikini line, an incision 15-20cm in size is made. The abdominal skin and fat are pulled all the way to the naval area. Then, the relaxed abdominal fascia is tightly sutured. Finally, the abdominal skin is pulled downward to the upper margin of the pubic hair to remove the excess part and suture the wound.


General Abdominal Lift Surgery

When the entire abdomen is severely relaxed and protruding, minor lift surgery may have limited effectiveness. To achieve satisfying results, major surgery is adopted to make improvement. Major lift surgery and minor lift surgery are essentially the same. Repair is made from the lower margin of the chest to above the pubic bone. The rectus abdomens fascia is then tightly sutured and loose skin is removed. However, the wound in the lower abdomen above the bikini line is extended to the sides of the pelvis, while the abdominal skin fat needs to be pulled to the ribs below the chest and the loose abdominal wall fascia from the lower margin of the chest to the upper margin of the pubic hair is tightly sutured. After positioning the naval location again, the appearance can be improved.



This method can completely remove the bulk of abdominal skin and fat from the pubic hair to the naval area. The Caesarean wound may be chosen as the site of the surgical wound to simultaneously carry out scar repair. The scar is hidden within the bikini area, so as to solve the problem of a prominent scar shown when a bikini is worn. After the abdominal lift surgery, the waistline can be reduced by 2-4 inches, making the waistline slimmer. However, in order to prevent poor wound healing, liposuction near the wound and above the abdomen is not recommended.


1.Stretch marks cannot be completely removed; they can also be reduced in number.
2.A long scar in the lower abdomen will be left.
3.IV drip injection or sufficient sports drink is administered to replenish blood and liquid lost during surgery and avoid dehydration and even shock.
4.When lying down after surgery, it its recommended that the head and feet be elevated and be slightly bent during ambulation to reduce the stress and pain of the abdominal wound and promote wound healing.
5.Apply cold press as frequent as possible to improve bruising and swelling. Apply it several times a day, for 15-20 minutes each time. Take a half-hour or 1-hour break in between.
6.Apply warm press three days after surgery to promote metabolism and blood circulation as well as swelling reduction. Apply it several times a day, for 15-20 minutes each time. Take a half-hour or 1-hour break in between.

7.Avoid irritating foods after surgery, as the change in skin location may affect blood circulation. Smoking and second-hand smoking are strictly prohibited after surgery. Spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine-containing foods (coffee, chocolate, tea, coke) should also be avoided.

8.Wipe the surgical site with a wet towel during the first three days after surgery, but the wound should not be in contact with water. A shower is allowed three days after surgery, but the wound should be kept dry at all times to avoid infection. A bath is allowed only after suture removal.
9.After suture removal, it is recommended that anti-scar cream or Mepiform be used for at least a month to lighten the scar.
10.It is recommended a corsage be worn for about three months after surgery to help shape the abdomen and reduce discomfort.
11.Avoid strenuous abdominal exercise within 3-6 months after surgery.


Q:Will the wound from abdominal lift be obvious? Are there other methods?

A:Abdominal lift can indeed reduce the area of stretch marks, but it cannot be completely removed. At the same time, a light scar may be left on the abdomen. Although these are drawbacks, compared to the previous large area of stretch marks, obesity lines, and chunks of muscle relaxation, the postoperative scar is actually shallow. In addition, since the entire belly is flat, most people do not mind.

Q:If I had previously undergone abdominal surgery, is abdominal lift surgery suitable for me?

A:Basically, it is not a problem. Abdominal lift surgery can even eliminate the previous scar you have. However, you may need to take the initiative to inform your surgeon of your wound from peritonitis and other inflammatory disease or major illness.

Q:Can I undergo abdominal lift surgery if I have never given birth?

A:Yes, you can. However, if you consider having babies in the future, it is recommended that you undergo surgery after child birth, because this surgery can improve stretch marks and repair you loose abdominal wall.

Q:Can I improve my stretch mark problem once and for all?

A:The stretch marks can be partially improved, but they cannot be completely removed.

Q:Are there other similar surgical procedures commercially available?

A:Of course there are, but they are intended to achieve differed purposes. Take for example mesotherapy and liposuction, the latter can only improve the thick fat layer. On the other hand, although mesotherapy can improve sagging skin, it cannot restore fascia tension. Abdominal lift coupled with liposuction can improve the skin, fat layer, and abdominal wall relaxation at the same time, thereby achieving comprehensive surgical results.

Q:Can abdominal lift surgery and liposuction be conjunctively performed?

A:Although it is impossible to combine abdominal lift and abdominal liposuction, the conjunctive performance of both will depend on the physical condition of the individual concerned. Those who smoke or have poor circulation are advised to undergo “liposuction” and “abdominal lift” separately to avoid poor wound healing.